First of all, it has the new Radar Cross Section which is comparable to the size of a marble appearing on the enemy plane's screen. There's still more.
The Raptor's smart designs include:
- twin supercooled turbine engines that enable it to jump to Mach speeds, which is the speed of sound-1,225 kilometres per hour without using fuel-guzzling and position-revealing afterburners.
- intakes aligned with wing edges and nozzles that deprive longer-wavelength radars of a precise they could previously lock on to.
- all tracking and electromagnetic-emitting sensors.
- weapons contained inside the body, not bristling from the wings.
- is "Beyond Visual Range" combat ready, meaning it can lock to a target, fire and flee before the target even knows its a target.
Do you regret not joining flying club?
Actually, I personally feel that such are quite useless in as sense. These machineries of war are created to fight against one another. War is actually a very stupid thing to do. Not only does it kill innocent citizens and soldiers whon forced to fight, but also weakens the unity of us being part of this world. Actually, war has many motives behind it. A few years back, George Bush declared war on Iraq because he claimed that Iraq had mass weapons of destruction and wanted to bring justice. Just because of his very inspiring speech thousands, probably millions had to be mobilized and sacrifice their lives, breaking many families apart and what happened in the end? George Bush announced that he was sorry because he found out that there were no mass weapons of destruction in Iraq.
So, the motive of his war was clear - he just wanted either to get the land or natural resources from Iraq, or wanted to show off his military might to the world.
Over the years, war has evidently proved itself to be pointless. During the world war 2, Japanese invaded Singapore and South East Asia. Then, America launched a atomic bomb
at their city and they surrendered. Although in the end, everything seemed to changed back to normal, the process has already taken away the lives of millions - both invaders and those being invaded.
The F-22 is cool, but war is not cool, its something cruel.
May the force be with u,
Nice work. Its cool. I mean i kinda like jets especilly stealth jets.and the twin turbine is freaking awesome.The trackers are cool too. Still, no offense but should't there be things like your thoughts and suggestions? That will make the entire thing much much cooler. Also, it will not be as boring then.
Nice work. Its cool. I mean i kinda like jets especilly stealth jets.and the twin turbine is freaking awesome.The trackers are cool too. Still, no offense but should't there be things like your thoughts and suggestions? That will make the entire thing much much cooler. Also, it will not be as boring then.
Whatever, I read this on Jarel's blog. By the way, your's is more interesting. Are they preparing for world war 3? I hope I was in heaven by then.(#__#)
Please compare the posting date of both articles and you will know what happened. :)
Jonah,I totally agrre with what you percieve and from this post on your own blog,I can conclude that you read a lot of news papers right? This is so because I did not even know that there was a plane called an F-22 fighter jet, which a weapon expert, David Humbling named it "The Raptor".This shows that you are very knowledgeable and also at the same time very informative. Your descriptions of the raptor are good , including the smart designs of the raptor such as the twin supercooled turbine engines ,the all tracking and also the electromagnetic-emitting sensors.
I hope that you will continue to keep up the good work and continue to write insightful posts on your blog.
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