Saturday, July 18, 2009

What has the world become?

Ren Ci Hospital was under fire since its investigation by the Charity Council of Singapore for 3 possible violations of the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character back in November 2007.

The investigation ended with an arrest of venerable Shi Ming Yi, a popular Buddhist representative of Singapore and a string of questions revolving around questionable loans, , Ren Ci’s irregular records, investments made under his name, even Ming Yi’s education qualification. The timing of this incident could not have been worse, just months after the infamous T.T. Durai case found guilty of misleading the charitable organization with a falsified invoice.

Almost 20 months down the road, Ming Yi trial still ongoing, and today he is being questioned on details of his investments, including properties bought and sold in Australia, Singapore and the U.S. It was also brought to the court’s knowledge about his purchase of golf club membership, 2 B&W cars and even a horse; mostly joint purchases with close affiliates. There was also a joint Citibank account of which one withdrawal evidently made out of a Casino in Australia.

Sympathisers and supporters backed him up on account of his ‘selfless’ contributions to the charity works, including how he had painstakingly set up Ren Ci, his courageous act to raise fund for Ren Ci patients, his multi responsibilities with other monasteries, temples etc Some even think the real culprit is his assistance and Ming Yi was dragged into the whole incident just because he was ‘too trusting and compassionate’ to help.

Critics and some angry public on the other hand, labelled all these acts as ‘hypocritical’ to pursue personal gains, many felt their trust had been abused and that Ming Yi deserved to be punished severely by the law.

After doing a bit of readings on the Ming Yi’s case, including the progress of the trial, the different authority’s comments, blog discussions, Ming Yi’s defence statement etc it is quite clear to me the inconsistencies of Ming Yi’s defence position. Ming Yi’s position shifted from ignorance, to ‘selective amnesia’ ,to implicating the blame to his affiliates, and now he is actually saying ( in his own words) “ While helping others, I must take care of my myself as well” ( Chinese Evening Lianhe Wanbao April 2009) and now he can blatantly insist his right to invest and entitlement to a luscious lifestyle because ‘the world has changed’

No qualms on personal right to enjoy and invest. It is also well noted of Ming Yi’s contribution and effort to turnaround Ren Ci. However, Ming Yi is a public figure, he represented much more beyond himself. The public has placed their trust upon him and therefore made the donations. Not only is he a public figure, Ming Yi has also over the years build himself up ( also with the help of the media) as a religious figure. Now the public is utterly disappointed and will no longer trust any charitable organization.

Ming Yi has misrepresented himself. I felt flabbergasted as I watched the video of his interview as he completed his walk down from Suntec city building. As he teared eyrily commented on the needs of the patients and how we should all help to donate more. That speech raised more than 150,000 calls across the island.

There is no such thing as using the rights to undo the wrongs.

The counts of his forgery, providing false or misleading information to the Commissioner of Charities, conspiracy to falsify a payment voucher and the misappropriation of Ren Ci funds all could account to his guilt, and as a special religious and public figure, I think he deserves to be even more severely punished by the law.

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