Our school had its 90th Anniversary Dinner yesterday. It was a big event, 10000 + came and there were countless performance but I will only discuss about one today. It is the Tai Chi String Orchestra performance.
Everything seemed smooth - sailing at first. Then, when the performance just started, it rained. It seems ordinary as we had white tentages sheltering us from the heartless drops of rainfall.
However, the Tai Chi performers, who were mostly elderly people, majority old Hwa Chong students around 50 -60 don in white traditional "Chinese Uniform", were out in the open performing under the rain.
There was nothing to shelter them at all. The hosts seemed reluctant to go on with the performance(my observation of their expression). After all, they are frail, elderly people. But there was something strange about the performers.
They all seemed determined to go on with the performance they have prepared for months. Only a minority of us saw and understood what really happened. When I asked my classmate for his opinion, I insisted that it was actually a formality that the performers had to abide by: they had no choice but to follow with the scheldule.
Formalities or Determination? I would rather chose the latter. After all, they are elderly people. What can the host and organizing team do? Force them to get wet under the heavy downfall and fall sick? I doubt so.
Though cold, wet and uncomfortable, they still perservere to the end to bring us a good show. This reflected our school motto: 自强不息 very well.
Determination. True determination. That will be the watchword for me today. It actually relates back to real life, doesn't it? Only the ones that persevere to the end with determination are the winners at the end of the day.
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