It has been almost 4 years since Thaksin has been ousted from hisoffice. Nonetheless, his passionate supporters, dubbed the "red-shirts", have still been fervently supporting him throughout these years, for a few reasons. Firstly, some living in poverty have benefitted from Thaksin's infamous campaign tool of giving money to "buy supporters", and are immensely grateful to him. Secondly, a majority of Thaksin true supporters believe Thaksin is not guilty of
corruption, and are angry over accusations made by the military government. Many believed Thaksin has prosper the country during his helm.
There had been many crucial developments since 2006 crisis, leading to Thaksin's self exile, ruling of Thaksin conviction and jail term, violent confrontations between the red shirts and the military, and now the seizure of Thaksin's assets.
If I were Thaksin, I would obviously not accept the ruling, but instead stand firm in my ground and encourage my followers to fight on. While I would not encourage any violence proceedings, it is important that we should continue to stand firm and pressure the existing government. We need fight for what we believe in for so long, democracy should not be compromised.
If I quietly accept the ruling, it is the same as admitting I am guilty of being corrupted. This will disappoint many of my followers who support me because they strongly believe that I am innocent, which I am. Not taking any action would send the wrong message to my followers
I have repeatedly clarified my stand that I have relinquished my shareholdings in Shin Corp since I took office. But make no mistakes; this is a company that I have so painstakingly build up over the years. My sweat, my time, the thinking and passion put behind are the reason of its success. The money that Shin Corp has earned over the years are legal and rightful , and obviously not easy. Shin Corp has build a strong foundation over the years and as
such possess the capacity to continue its strong earning abilities even after my departure.
It is very convenient for the existing government, which I will still label as illegal as they are not elected by democratic process, to make use of my previous link to Shin Corp to accuse me of graft and abuse of power. Many people will concur to this accusation without knowledge of the deep and true fact. This is underhanded political game to oust me and my government for their own benefits. Does it mean that if Shin Corp were run to its knee and become bankrupt during my premiership then it proves that I am a clean leader?
I do not understand why I should be stripped off my assets, and Shin Corp of its profit just because I wish to serve the country.
All transactions of Shin Corp are clean and in arms length, so is my personal wealth accumulation. All these can undergo international scrutiny and I am prepared to bring this matter to the international court for a more independent and justifiable ruling. I am even prepared to use up whatever assets is left of me to fight for true democracy and my integrity as a person.
Jonah Heng 2P105
the centrepoint of political reviews - "To err is human, to forgive is against school policy"
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1. Peach Cheese Cake (10 cups)16 years ago
I do concur with your stand on this passage.
The court's ruling is none other than political balancing to appease the general public anger over Thaksin's corruption ( which is not yet fully proven)and Thaksin's supporter ( by leaving a portion untouched)
But law is not about balancing act, it is about justice being done and truth carried out..
If I were Thaksin,
I will quietly admit my sins
take my 2.3 billion remaining
and retire in the Caribbean
But alas!
I've already made such a din
I need to pull this through
no matter how hard it seems
Have i exhausted all my means?
O yes, maybe I can talk to the King
strike a deal with the Democrats
Or do some other things..
That's much better than to buy and sell a football team!
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