the centrepoint of political reviews - "To err is human, to forgive is against school policy"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Its just our specialty.
I think, that when someone says a sentence with singlish in it, you all ang mohs out there listen. Instead of saying "That's lousy english!", say something like "That's great Singish", or
"I like that Singaporean streak in you!".
Singlish is our own language. When I communicated to my cousin, who is a Chinese in Singlish, she said that she liked it because it sounded very special.
Singlish is just our specialty like other countries. Malaysian chinese have that malaysian accent in their chinese as well. They should to be proud of it too!
We don't have be ashamed of singlish, or our another specialties, like kiasuism. I think we should be proud of that too.
Kiasuism has made our society more competitive and thus made us grow economically over the last decade. Like I just said it is our unique specialty, not a shame.
We should learn to be more optimistic, fellow Singaporeans. We should be truly proud of kiasuism and Singlish, our unique language.
I looking forward to the day when our future PMs can proudly speak to the US president, "I think we should build more aircraft carriers lah!"
Its just our specialty lor.
Be proud of it lah.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Respect ourselves.
This afternoon, I went for my badminton competition National's. I caught a glimpse of the other schools playing. SJI sent their 2nd Singles to play with ACS(I)'s 2nd Singles. The ACS(I) Singles was a Chinese immigrant, probably a PR, who came to Singapore to study.
The worst I wanted happened.
The coach of the SJI team shouted:"Cina import!"
He started sniggering and laughing with the SJI team members and kept on muttering "Cina import. Lousy goods!"
I really wanted to walk over and give him a punch in his *censored*. I wanted scream out loud in his face, "You are a chinese too! Be proud of your homeland."
I guess the government has exercised too much *censored* propaganda in Singapore eg. singing of National Anthem every morning, but don't forget our roots!
Oru ancestors are from China!
That is actually a true homeland!
If we don't respect other's its obviously wrong. Who do you think you are. What right do you have to say "China Import". Can I tell that Chinese you are a "Singapore Scum"?
No! A thousand times no! Because I believe you would want to be respected as a Singaporean. And I believe that Chinese would like to be respected as a Chinese, and human.
Furthermore, your ancestors are from China. Too dimwitted, can't respect others, at least learn to respect yourself!
My message for you is: Respect yourself!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Simple actions.
Yesterday, I had a high fever. When in my worst state, the telephone rang. It was one of my classmates. Although it was only a few sentences, I was touched.
"Hi Jonah, I heard that you are sick." "Ya, I hate it." "Have you seen the doctor?" "Oh yes. I feel like commiting suicide." "Please don't. I don't want to lose a good friend. Please take care and recover quickly."
Oh, I am so touched. Today, while I was sniffing away due to my blocked nose, one of my classmates offered me a tissue paper.
Simple actions. A really grateful me.
My classmates, my very precious friends.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The deafening silence.
I don't even know how to start or what I am writing about. This is all rubbish. Food and homework can only help me avoid this issue that cropped up recently.
Ever since I had this #@$H!$% virus and fever, I have become a more quiet person. I have become the !@#$D person I used to be during my Primary School days.
Those days were my most hated days I lived on this world, even though I am only 13. I was a very quiet and self-diminishing person. I did not have many friends as communicating with others had been a chore.
I am $%@#$% wrong. I thought that this happened just because I am sick. But as I am gradually recovering now, I realize the difficulty of getting out of this state.
I had been a very cheerful, talkative random person. That wasn't too bad, I guess. I just hate myself now. I beginning to like solitude. Sometimes, when others talk to me, I deliberately find faults in their sentences and snap back at them. I just enjoy being alone in the cool wind, looking at the ground.
I must not be anti-social. I must not.
Solitude has made me very lonely. But whenever I talk to my friends or join them for soccer, I start to get frustrated again. Then, I would run away before I lose my temper and stay alone sitting on the steps.
The cruelty of the society has changed me a lot. It has absorbed my joy and optimism away and given me a heart void of feelings, emotions and the liking of solitude.
As I sat on the steps, I could only hear the deafening silence.
I am trying.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'm shocked.
I'm shocked. I'm lost for words. How did it happen... when did it happen? I only remember me eating my lunch and going back home... yes, I was on my mother's car. Yes, she was crying.
I would have never even imagine that such a thing will happen. He was jovial, caring and everything. The last time I saw him, in his black top, he still seemed as healthy as a normal 60+ man. Cancer? Impossible.
But the truth is just right in front me now - he went for a medical check-up and results show that he has 2 tumors growing on his liver and lung.
I guess I am mad with myself. When I first heard the news, I felt numb. Not because I am shock or anything, but I was just pure numb. I can't believe the thoughts that first enered my mind.
"Does his possible death have anything to do with me? Do we have to go through the toublesome rituals if he dies?"
I admit that I am becoming more and more numb to things happening around me. The cruelty of the society has changed many, including me, into numb people who are overly practical, without much emotions.
After much deep thoughts, however, I realised the importance of my grandfather. From young, he was like a "guardian angel" for me to put my hope in. A source of comfort, he has been.
If he is gone, who am I going to confide all my trouble and worries to? Who will be the one who says in chinese"要快高长大,学业进步"? I cried.
There's no one to blame for his state. If he really passes away, I can only blame myself for being so numb when hearing the news. For not treasuring the moments I had with him. For not hugging him enough during his lifetime... For not...
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Then, we spent the next 10 minutes calling our fellow Churchmates to ask if they are still in Church to help us retrieve the songbook.
I think this really gave me an fright as his hymns are all inside and it would freaking troublesome to get back all his hymns and buy a new Songbook again.
I must admit I am also a very forgetful person. Last Tuesday, I was in a hurry to go for my badminton National's Competition and when I reached home, I found out that I have lost my pencil case.
It was actually not a very big deal at first, but then I realised that it contained my thumbdrive. Apart from its $57 price, it contained all my documents and ace projects. I had to retype one of my essays that I typed and saved in my thumbrive.
Yesterday, I almost lost my jacket, again. This time, I brought my jacket to my friend's condominium to do a project. After which, we went to the street soccer court to play soccer. I was too excited and left my jacket on the bench nearby. When we finished our game, I left hurriedly for dinner, leaving my poor jacket on the bench. Luckily, my friend saw it on the way back and returned it to me the next day.
This really all links back to the word "FOCUS". We are always distracted from what we must do from temptations of life and end wasting a lot of prercious time and effort.
I must admit, again, that I am not a person who can focus well. When I see my new computer when doing homework, there is a very strong temptation for me to play computer games. During times I succumb to this temptation, I play for a least 2 hours until my conscious defeats the temptation.
I once read a book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when I was young. There was an official who gained great power during the chaos then, he is Dong Zhuo. However, he got distracted from his work a girl called Diao Chan and eventually got overthrown.
I know this is not a very good example, but what I am trying to say here is that focusing on your fixed goal is very important to achieve in chinese what we call"事半功倍", that is to efficiently finish a task using less effort then it actually requires.
On Friday, I went to my school's Tan Kah Kee Drama. I really admire Tan Kah Kee's spirit and attitude when doing something.
From young, he set a goal for himself - that is to built schools for the underprivileged to receive education, and strongly abided by his goal. Although his businesses were failing then, he still sold away his businesses and properties in order to built more schools for the people.
That really set me thinking about the meaning of life - is it just finishing homework the teachers give us, then play computer games or to set a goal for ourselves, then focus and pursue that goal?
FOCUS. Two Syllabus. One word. Great impact.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hitler's Speech - amazing charisma to motivate
This speech by Hitler is basically targeted at the German workers, who were the mass and the inferior social group of people at that time. He assured them that their labour were of utmost importance and with a noble cause - to bind the people of Germany together. With his powerful words, he attempted to convince the labour workers that their work will be highly respected by the nation; He tried to brainwash them into thinking that everything they did was being appreciated and will become a model for the younger genrations, making them feel devoted and proud to do their best as labourers for Germany.
Personally, I feel that Hitler had amazing charisma and the gift for speech. His gift is clearly manisfested throughout his speech - his body language, tone, choice of words etc.
He knewwhat to say, he delivered it well and he succeeded in achieving his objectives - to motivate and influence millions to do his cause.
Man, he is really a gifted speaker. Looks like I have to learn more from him.:) (only his speaking skills though)
My Blog List
约翰福音 5:31-44 (13/06/10)14 years ago
Some things that REALLY irritates me14 years ago
Notes for Indian Music14 years ago
FOSH day two ------> I did not mess up15 years ago
National Day CIP at Taman Jurong15 years ago
从以弗所书看生命与生活(十二)15 years ago
中一资料检索16 years ago
系统神学16 years ago
1. Peach Cheese Cake (10 cups)16 years ago