The multiple intelligent test was definitely beneficial in helping me establish the fact that intelligence is not measured by “how intelligent are you”, but “how are you intelligent”. This has aided me in boosting my self-confidence as a student leader. Although I am not good at nature, I now know that I can lead people through my intra-personal and musical talents.
The test has definitely made me realize my weakness and strength. Now, knowing my weaknesses, I will try to improve on them, and also maintain my strengths at the same time.
For example, while I may be quite effective in written communication, I am actually weak in verbal communication and also not so ‘sensitive’ to body and gestural languages. I have made a personal commitment to improve on this area.
I strongly agree with this approach as I feel that leadership is about influencing people to do your cause and good leadership is about ‘effective influencing’. To be able to do this we must exercise powerful communication skill and understanding the needs and motivation of the people you want to influence.
I was quite surprised at first that my linguistic ability was so good. I had always gotten low grades for my language arts (English) and was not very good at words… but now that I know that I am intelligent at this area, I should pay more attention to my speaking abilities and practice by trying to speak more in public. I have recently been selected to join the ProEd Café OT, and this is a good opportunity to network with more people who come to the Café, rather than just being the “silent accountant”.
I hope I can look back proudly 10 years later, and boldly say that I have overcome my weaknesses and even further improved on my strengths.
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