Monday, February 23, 2009

Bullet-Fast Car!

Many sorries for not posting for quite a while. I have been kept away by loads of tests and homework by my school(you know which one). I will keep this informal; I would just like to share with you all some interesting discoveries I have made yesterday in the Dicovery Channel magazine.

Yes, a Bullet-Fast Car!

The idea came from the first supersonic car built by a team of British, which set the land speed record of 1,228 kilometres per hour in 1997. The same British team has set its sights even higher and has recently unveiled plans for a new car designed to top 1,690 kilometres per hour - faster than a speeding bullet - by 2011.
Think twice before you conclude that you have to try it - this 12.8 metre Bloodhound SSC reach top speed in 40 seconds and require the sequential deployment of aerostructures, parachutes and carbon-fibre brakes before it can come to a stop.
The car's carbon-fibre and titanium frame will be designed such that it can withstand 12 tonnes of pressure per square metre at top speed, and the wheels will be constructed of high-grade titanium to keep tham from flying apart.
Don't think it is a just another toy for your leisure! The deiver of Bloodhound is going to be cooked, vibrated, acoustically deafened and subjected to enormous accelaration and deceleration forces, which can cause risk of blacking out!

Do you still want to try it out? Think twice and comment. :)

Last but not least, pls keep a lookout for my weekly sharings with u all, Kawan - Kawan Saya (Malay I have just learnt)

May the force be with u,


Friday, February 13, 2009

Recent Incident of SBS Bus Driver hurt in Johor Bahru

I am writing as a concerned blogger to address an incident repoted on the newspaper, TODAY, that happened on the 10th of February. A bus driver of bus service N0 160 has been injured in Johor Bahru, in what was reportedly a bold robbery attempt by parang-wielding man during the evening.
I am very sad and disappointed with the efficiency of Malaysia's police force. In Singapore, such incidents rarely occur throughout the year all thanks to our efficient home defence team. As a student of a Malaysian teacher back in my primary school, I am fully aware of the various loopholes in the Malaysian security system and the corruption going on. It seems to me that even bribery is something very common in Malaysia.

Although I do not have any solution to this problem, I am sure that Malaysia, as a emerging market with strong economic potential, can think of a suitable solution to this problem that it is constantly evading.
May the force be with u,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Question 3. Should Science be used to Artificially Improve Someone's Intelligence or External Apperanace?

Personally, I think that this is definitely wrong.

I have two points I would like to base my reasoning on.

First of all, through these, we are actually 'playing God' and abusing Science and technology.

As a christian myself, I strongly believe in our God, who has created us and that He has a perfect will for us all, beyond our appearance and intellect. Therefore, it is not right of us to alter what he has planned.

Secondly, with our extremely limited knowledge of complex human body, including our unique genetic make - up, DNAs and etc., there is no sure way of "improving" our intelligence and appearance without the fear of negative impacts or side effects to our body.
Our body is much more complicated than what Science has discovered today.

May the force be with you,

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Ironies - The Taximan's Story

1.Irony in the Story

In the first two pages of the story, the taximan's keeps on complaining about the misconduct and attitude of the young people that hang out with foreigners at the night club, especiaaly by giving a personal example of his daughter and has also made the reader feel his strong dislike for them. However, at the end of the 2nd page and the last page showed his turning liking for them, as he said that the people who bargain for "no meter fare" and wait for even 10-cents made him mad in comparison to the young peoplewho did not even wait for change and made love in the taxi without knowing that he has drove round and round, wasting their time to earn more money through the meter charge. This irony is the sudden change of his attitude towards the young people from strong dislike through his oral presentation to a liking for them compared to thrifty people.

2.The Themes raised in the story

Personally, I think that the main and most important theme is the hypocrisy of human nature, which is clearly reflected from the taximan's attitude. Although he did not really like the young people hanging out at clubs, and his daughter's actions, he also likes them in a sense that they give more money than ordinary people and is a very good source of income for him. The last line of the text states him saying, "Must go off to Hotel Elroy... there plenty of young people to pick up shows a hypocrisy of him constantly complaining and saying to his passenger how disguted he is at how bad and rebellious these people are, yet he still goes to the places they go to pick them up to earn more money. Such is shown of a hypocrisy of human nature for greed of money.

3.How realistic is this story

I think this story is partially true, because if a ordinary person would not easily tap on sensitive topics such as his own private life like how his father beats him with a cane and how his daughter has been rebellious and lied to him about coaching in Maths to a total stranger, it may be exaggarated parts to make his opinion of the rebellious young people more sound. However, his story about young people hanging out in clubs and "amking love in his taxi" should be true because there are no reasons why he should lie about it and it is true that such things do happen in Singapore. Maybe he was trying to waste the passenger's time by winding up a make-belief story and earning more money through the metre charge.

4.Sympathy for the Taximan

I think the taximan is a very good speaker, with his ability to engage the "audience" in the conversation. If the story is true, I have my full sympathy for the taximan because he encounters cases of rebellious young people lying to parents and clubbing all day daily via his work as a taximan and I am sure he stronly dislike such attitude and behaviour and certainly does not want his children to behave and act in such inappropriate manner, but his smartest and most obedient child, which has his expectations to do him proud as a father, has also lied to him about coaching in Maths and has gone out hanging around in the streets with what he think are bad influence for her.

5.Do you agree with his lamenting?

I don't really agree with the taximan except for him lamenting about his daughter being rebellious and lying to him. Most of the time, he is lamenting about the growing trend in Singapore of young people being rebellious and clubing, which he thinks is an inappropriate behaviour. I think the growiong is not his business and has nothing to do with him. Instead, he should feel happy that these wasteful people give him extra income and not lament.

6.The Daughter has my sympathy

She might not be hanging out with her friends to do some inappropriate acts. I think she might be just discussing their school work in the coffeeshop and her father is just to sensitive and particular about her behavior and whether she was mixing with Europeans because he has seen many of such cases during his worktime and was over-protective of his daughter. I don't think she "deserved" the slapping and beating by her father.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Language Arts Diary Entry of a Mentally Challenged: Ace Project

Dir Dary,
Tuday is a guud but cunfusing day.

Doday eye gut a leter frum govurnment usk mi vute for presudanci uf amarica. i dunt noe; wat it meens bud juz go end si. The leter rite 34 Lincoln rd but i dunt noe where it is. So ;" i ask my neigbur shi ssay i em a dumbass. I dunt noe wat it meen but i luff reallly haad. Den her husband came end lafff tooo end said to her luk et tat retad.

I luff wif tem den i walk away ask te o man on the road were is 34 Lincoln rd, he said in ur pants but i wonde huw can it bi in mi pants. Den he luff like how my neigbur did end i luff tu.
Den i walk andwlk and walk down de rod den i see 34 Lincoln rd on a sign. I hapy.I go en a wite colur house end giv mi leter tu a guy with long hir on his chiin.

Hi say retards ar nut alowed tu vute end the leter must hav been send rongly. I dunt noe wat he meen so i ask him huw com i canot stay i dunt wan to go hume.

Tey say retad nut alowedi dunt noe what it meens but i luff. Den wun blot of green colur sticki thing came out of his muth i dunt noe wat is hapening but it is very salty. Den others cum and giv me that thing i tot it is neew year den tey giv mi gift, so i say thank yu den tey all luff very hard so i aslo luff wif them. One of tem say hey luk y dont we puut sume briins into him and seee if his batteri work, so i say i never bring batteri wif mi. den teey alll luff and den kicked me ouut uf de house.

I am confused whyy tey kiked me becuse i never bring baterii.Maybe vuting nid batteri. den i si this dug make a lud noise end ten come tuward mi. I thought it wunt to bite mi so i faul duwn end cover myself, den i saw peope carry a stickk wif a string wif a dug on it. De dog veri furry end soft den i say how can it bi u put dug on string they all luff lud.

Den a gir say mi gut tresure in a grin color bin, it smelle bannna end paper, so i puut mi hed into the bin, it smel verii ba pewee, no tresur, icome out open cover and i step intu de bin puke mi hed inside but stil no treasur.

I dunt noe wy peoplee lik luffing but I think qiute funny, den i wuk up te streed back huome den i herd a man shouting yor zipppers!

I dunt noe but i luff.

Bye bye diary,
i forgot my name
