Many sorries for not posting for quite a while. I have been kept away by loads of tests and homework by my school(you know which one). I will keep this informal; I would just like to share with you all some interesting discoveries I have made yesterday in the Dicovery Channel magazine.
Yes, a Bullet-Fast Car!
The idea came from the first supersonic car built by a team of British, which set the land speed record of 1,228 kilometres per hour in 1997. The same British team has set its sights even higher and has recently unveiled plans for a new car designed to top 1,690 kilometres per hour - faster than a speeding bullet - by 2011.
Think twice before you conclude that you have to try it - this 12.8 metre Bloodhound SSC reach top speed in 40 seconds and require the sequential deployment of aerostructures, parachutes and carbon-fibre brakes before it can come to a stop.
The car's carbon-fibre and titanium frame will be designed such that it can withstand 12 tonnes of pressure per square metre at top speed, and the wheels will be constructed of high-grade titanium to keep tham from flying apart.
Don't think it is a just another toy for your leisure! The deiver of Bloodhound is going to be cooked, vibrated, acoustically deafened and subjected to enormous accelaration and deceleration forces, which can cause risk of blacking out!
Do you still want to try it out? Think twice and comment. :)
Last but not least, pls keep a lookout for my weekly sharings with u all, Kawan - Kawan Saya (Malay I have just learnt)
May the force be with u,
Yes, a Bullet-Fast Car!
The idea came from the first supersonic car built by a team of British, which set the land speed record of 1,228 kilometres per hour in 1997. The same British team has set its sights even higher and has recently unveiled plans for a new car designed to top 1,690 kilometres per hour - faster than a speeding bullet - by 2011.
Think twice before you conclude that you have to try it - this 12.8 metre Bloodhound SSC reach top speed in 40 seconds and require the sequential deployment of aerostructures, parachutes and carbon-fibre brakes before it can come to a stop.
The car's carbon-fibre and titanium frame will be designed such that it can withstand 12 tonnes of pressure per square metre at top speed, and the wheels will be constructed of high-grade titanium to keep tham from flying apart.
Don't think it is a just another toy for your leisure! The deiver of Bloodhound is going to be cooked, vibrated, acoustically deafened and subjected to enormous accelaration and deceleration forces, which can cause risk of blacking out!
Do you still want to try it out? Think twice and comment. :)
Last but not least, pls keep a lookout for my weekly sharings with u all, Kawan - Kawan Saya (Malay I have just learnt)
May the force be with u,
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