Personally, I think that this is definitely wrong.
I have two points I would like to base my reasoning on.
First of all, through these, we are actually 'playing God' and abusing Science and technology.
As a christian myself, I strongly believe in our God, who has created us and that He has a perfect will for us all, beyond our appearance and intellect. Therefore, it is not right of us to alter what he has planned.
Secondly, with our extremely limited knowledge of complex human body, including our unique genetic make - up, DNAs and etc., there is no sure way of "improving" our intelligence and appearance without the fear of negative impacts or side effects to our body.
Our body is much more complicated than what Science has discovered today.
May the force be with you,

Heya Jonah! This is an exemplary blog you've got here(: Still, don't rest on your laurels and keep up the good work. I like how you've commented on the Budget and the breakdown of the Singapore Flyer.I especially like this post here and the examples of insightful thinking. As a Christian myself i can identify with what you've pointed out about God's will. It is not always easy for Christians to submit to God's will, so in response to non-Christians, how would you convince them of your stand as stated here? Something for you to think about(: Do continue posting up your reflections on current events as well as the necessary homework entries(here,it's really prompt!) (:
-Miss Lim
Any efforts , scientific or not, to alter or 'improve' appearance or intelligence are dangerous.
We do not need to look very far. Just observe the movie stars and singers trying to do all these and the repercussions they faced.( including development of kidney stone , disfigurations etc etc )This is just so scary.
Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. MATTHEW 22:21
Appearances and intelligence are " God's department" DOn't mess around man!
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