Book Read: A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
When I read this book, a sense of guilt engulfed me. It reminded me of something that happened three years ago.
The main character, Tree-ear, did not give up when the pottery pieces he was supposed to pass to the royal court was smashed into pieces. He gave serious and calculated consideration about the matter; and with his determination, brought a single shard of pottery to show the royal court as a sample to let them decide whether to use his master’s pottery for trade.
A couple of years ago, our church held a soccer friendly game. The objective of this competiton is to foster fellowship within and across the various ministries. Being a soccer enthuiasts, I practised hard and look forward to the 'showing off 'my skills during the game. My hope 'shattered' when I accidentally injured my knee a day before the game. I got frustrated, angry and refused to show up ont the day of the game.
I had missed the point. The game is not about winning , nor about displaying individual skill. It is about fellowship, bonding and team building. I could have just show up and gave my support to the players. I could not contribute as a player , but I could have contributed as a supporter to the game and the event.
After reading this book, I thought, “If it was Tree-ear there, I bet he would have done the right thing; just like him not returning to his village after the pottery pieces broke, instead, continuing his journey with determination just to deliver a single piece of shard.”
Here’s an alternative ending to the book, which I think is more suitable.
Last paragraph:
Tree-ear leaned forward and pushed the cart up the mountain path.
Edited paragraph:
A screech broke the silence. Tree-ear looked up: A young eagle spreaded its broad wings slowly, soaring high into the vast horizon. He smiled.

The title, ‘A Single Shard’ is a very good one.
A single shard. A broken piece. This depicts imperfection, incompleteness, and a terrible weakness. Yet through this little piece of broken vase piece, the story brought out the strong will and determination of the main character, Tree-ear, who had overcome all kinds of obstacles to achieve his purpose.
Thanks for the review I highly recommend this book too.
Most people gave up too easily, without contemplation for alternatives or putting up a good fight. The convenient thing to do is to bend to degradation , complaint about 'bad luck' , put the blame on others or get frustrated and pour the anger onto innocent people around.
Orphaned boy Three-ear did nothing of these sort.He followed his dreams and persisted to achieve them. He dis not bend amid difficulties. Courage and integrity won him his dreams eventually. Amazing life lessons to be learnt throughout the book and his experiences with master potter Min. Inspiring and worth reading far into the night.
"We will either find a way, or make one" --- Hannibal
Thanks again Jonah. Continue to shine and share your thoughts. Remember : A candle does not loses a bit its light by lighting another candle...
Thanks for your encouragement and regular visit to my blog. It is really a motivation for me to share more. :)
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