I can still vividly remember my father telling me firmly at the start of the year, "I don't believe humans cannot survive without technology". When I reminded him of what he said yesterday, he couldn't believe he actually said that.
That proves a clear point that technology really, indeed make our lives more comfortable, and make work more convenient, and lastly, humans are depending on it more and more.
We are controlling technology - this is mainly what is happening to the working class, who think technology in their lives, is merely a tool for greater ease and convenience at work. They think they can do without it, just that things get less convenient.
Of course, the correct thing to do is to control technology, and correctly utilize it to our benefit appropriately. But most children nowadays enjoy being controlled by technology - they are addicted to fun games in their PSP, XBOX and Wii.
In fact, they are so addicted to this sedentary games that they think about it when they are doing their homework, when they are in school and even in the exam room. Technology has became the root of all evils in the minds of the children.
It is not wrong to get "controlled" by technology once in a while to rest and relax, but we should maintain a degree of self-control and instead letting it take over our lives, and become the main subject of all our thoughts, we should intelligently utilize this effective tool to our benefit in making friends, doing work and completing projects.
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