There were 5 long rows of Chinese medicine distributers from famous brands all over the world today. We interviewed professionals there and took down vital information of chinese medicine. We also took many photos of the exhibits. There was a big lingzhi mushroom the size of a big jeep car tyre.
There were famous brands like Tiger Balm, and yurenshen there to advertise their chinese medicine products. They kindly accepted our request to interview them regarding the various uses and benefits of traditional chinese medicine.
We even talked to the chairman of the organizing committee who agreed to accept our short interview regarding the reason why chinese medicine is so widely popular in Singapore. Traditional medicine is doing a roaring trade here these days, with imports growing by 63 per cent over the last five years to hit US$35 million (S$49 million) last year.

Samuel and I took many photos of the herbs and amazing medicine displayed. We also learnt something new that chinese medicine actually came from animals, and natural herbs. But what makes it chinese medicine is the human add-on and "refining" process.
In a speech by the chairman of the exhibition, he pointed out that chinese medicine is on the uptrend in Singapore as more of the younger generation turn to complementary medicines and companies start tailoring products to suit them.
We videoed down the opening speech, as well as the interview. Looks like it would be a difficult editing work later:)
My friends and I are planning to do our project based on the promotion of chinese medicine - its uses, benefits, advantages over western as well as its long history. We feel it is a worth-while idea to work on.

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