With reference to the TODAY newspaper January 19, Monday, " Govt mulling tapping the national reserves", I would like to express my point of view as a Singapore citizen to the general public.
Recently, there has been a hustle whether we should tap into our national reserves. A point of view was that could set a precedent for fiscal indiscipline and that the reserves can only be saved for the worst moment. Another point of view is that now is already the worst moment, with Singapore now facing probably the world's greatest financial crisis. My point of view is, we should stop this debate and think of how we could save our country.
Back in the 1981, when the government initiated this programme, the PM promised that it will only be used for rainy days. So if this is not a rainy day, I don't know what is.
All Singaporeans, this is no ordinary recession, we have seen buisnesses closing, the most recent one, world's biggest banking company, Citigroup,almost closing. We have seen millions of citizens losing their jobs, we have seen many families breaking apart... it's time we use our reserves.
These reserves were onced taken via taxes from us and pledged to save us during crisises our country might face. Now, its time they at least save us all from this mess- by 'paying back' what we have given them.
Of course, the decision is made by the PM himself, but I think it is time to make another wise decision, Mr Lee.
I'm a Singaporean,
Its the really critical time for government to action now! It will very tough year ahead.
Hurray to that Jonah. I Amen your comments!
Today the Govt tells us that S'pore probably into the longest and deepest ression we have ever faced. Many jobs will be lost and families need to prepare to embrace hard times ahead.
It is time to unlock the safe and use those $$..
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