The 25th of January, which was last Sunday, will be a day I will never forget.
It was the Chinese New Year Eve. After the usual ritual of eating our tuan yuan fan, my cousins and I went for a dip in the pool at his condominium, while my relatives played cards in his apartment. I had bought some firecrackers and bomb bags, so aftter we played computer games for a while, we dashed down to the field for a 'counter strike' game.
Upon arriving at the field, we were entranced by the bright stars in the sky. Then my cousin- Leonard had to break the silence by ambushing me with a bomb. "Bang!" the bomb exploded right in my face, causing my face to be stained with white foam that leaked out. I took revenge by taking a water hose and spraying my cousin with powerful gushes of water. After combating for about half an hour, we decided to play with the firecrackers. Taking the numerous packets of firecrackers, we then realized that we had no fire source to light them up. My father took out his lighter but the flame just wouldn't start the firecracker sizzling. Then we tried burning a tissue with the lighter then start the firecracker with the burning tissue. That did not work out too.
Then I thought of burning pieces of discarded cardboard found on the field. My "genius" idea failed too.
In the end, we found out that my father's lighter was not functioning properly, so we borrowed one from my cousin's neighbour. That sparked not only the firecrackers but also the unity and warmth of us being one family.
I would like take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!
May the force be with u,
What a great time you have! It reminds me my younger time......
Wow! that sounds fun. I wish I had a great CNY time like yours... Remember your family is the best treasure & most impt thing you'll ever have.
The world will try to choke you with other things, making you perceive them as more important like study , career ,money , girlfriend etc etc but you'll discover that is a great lie!
Happy CNY to you Jonah
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