the centrepoint of political reviews - "To err is human, to forgive is against school policy"
Thursday, May 28, 2009
If you can eliminate one emotion from the world, would you?
For me, I would rather not eliminate an emotion. I feel that all emotions - anger, frustration, happiness, jealousy, good or bad, makes us the person we are.
As a christian, I strongly believe that God has created us for a purpose, and gave us positive as well as negative emotions for a reason. Having anger and frustration, or even jealousy in us is his will for us. It is definitely beneficial to us in a way.
For example, jealousy can also make us improve. When we envy others for their good work, we will often find out what is so good about his work, learn the good traits of his work and do a work that is better. Jealousy may not be a bad thing if you see it in this way. It actually inspires and motivates us to do better and improve.
Another example is anger. If you your friend perpetually do something that is immoral and you keep silent about it, he will only become worse and worse. You will only be harming him. However, if you feel angry about it, it will actually prevent him from continuing such acts again. Anger has the power help someone else to turn for the better!
It is actually these emotions, not only positive ones like happiness and compassion, that makes us an all-rounded person, the person we should be.
Some may say that we should only have positive emotions to achieve a happy life, but I beg to differ. It is actually these little negative emotions, not only positive emotions, that makes us the special person we are and brightened up our life.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
First semester of my sec one life.
When reflecting on our sec 1 lifes (1st semester) so far, some would say that it is boring and repetive, some may say it is very stressed, but I think it is a journey full of lessons.
Yes, my sec one life has been fun-filled, enjoyable and it is as if what I have learnt in the past few months is much more than everything I have learnt in the six years in my Primary School.
Yet, I think the past few months has been a much more meaningful journey than it seems on the surface.
I remember the time when I wore my school uniform to the school field to play soccer and I was drenched with sweat from head to toe. When the discipline master caught being in this awkward state, he reprimanded me sharply for playing soccer in my uniform as my sweat will void my classmates of a conducive environment to study.
I prefer not to treat it as a mistake and regret over it, but rather, a valuable lesson, my first lesson in my school, that taught me to be considerate and think of others before doing anything.
My second lesson was held when I tripped my classmates out of pure fun and playfulness. I was consequently punished by my teacher to write a apology letter to the classmate. Again, I prefer to treat it as a valuable lesson, my second lesson in this new school, that taught me to respect my classmates and to be more mature.
Subsequently, many more lessons, not mistakes, happened. They were not any other maths lesson, but lessons I learnt about correct moral values I should bear with me as part of the school, and as a person.
Some may think I am too pessimistic and that I should instead look back at happy or interesting things in the past few months that brightened up my sec 1 life, but I think the lessons I have learnt in the past few months, whether big or small, are little treasures that have constantly lightened up the path ahead in my life.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What is the right way to live?

We need to be positive, not passive towards life. Set goals that are worth our pursuit, yet acknowleging the fact that while we try our best to attain them, we have to leave the outcome to God's will. As a Christian, I believe God has a purpose for me in my life, more than just pursuing personal wealth,health and fame that has no eternal bearing... I do not that purpose now, but I am enjoying my time as a student; pursuing knowlege , meeting new friends and learning new things every day
Friday, May 22, 2009
Criticism. Should we critisize people and thier opinions?
The first answer that came to my mind was no. Criticism will only offend the person being criticize and it will become a "lose-lose" situation where the friend is unhappy as he is offendes and you will hence lose a friend.
However, after much in-depth thoughts, the answer became a confident 'yes'.
I strongly feel that critism should not be treated as a bad thing. If you fail to criticize your friend, he will only fail to realize his mistake and can never improve. Hence, I think criticism is actually very precious and is a good thing. It is a helping hand to those being criticize to improve and correct mistakes.
Criticism, I feel, is also a form of concern. A friend may be spouting vulgarities in his blog post and by criticizing his action, it ahows you are truly concerned about him and his conduct.
Those who fail to criticize should be the ones being despised. They are either totally indifferent about others actions or they are just too apathetic to lend a helping hand to thier friend to improve and correct mistakes.
Maybe your friend has a wrong opinion of a teacher or classmate due to past misunderstanding. As a true friend of his, you should try your best to change his opinions so that be no misunderstandings or conflicts will happen. You can only do so by criticizing. Some friends may be too indifferent and stubborn to listen to advises. They will just brush your advices away. Only criticism will make them ponder the issue carefully and improve accordingly.
Although critizing someone or his opinions may offend the person, but if one truly cares for the person, criticism is a must as it will help the person correct mistakes and formulate correct opinions. By criticizing, it shows that you truly care.
Even an offended friend will one day realise your care and thought for them.
A shameless but arguable quote from me, "An aimless person is an unhappy person because he bears guilt."
Agree? I strongly agree. It is human tendency to feel guilty for not accomplishing anything and wasting time. This will make them feel very useless and have a sense of hopelessness. Consequently, unhappiness comes in."
I strongly agree with another of my famous quotes, "The key to happiness is the pursuit of dream." What a quote! Only when we have a dream and goal, and pursuit that goal with determination reagardless of any setbacks, then will we have a sense of accomplishment and consequently, happiness.
A good example would be myself, a ordinary citizen. At times when I didn't do anything at all, I would feel very embittered as I have not accomplish anything. The feeling of guilty tugs at my heart only until I start doing work or play because when playing, I accomplish my goal of relieving stress.
Of course, some also seek happiness from materialistic things. These people splurge their money on jewellery, branded goods and other expensive items in pursuit of happiness. However, these small waves of happiness do not last. After a while, these expensive items would be put aside and forgotten. They are just desperate attempts to search for happiness. Only true happiness in pursuit of goals last.
However, we must blindly pursuit our goals. Enjoying the process and journey of pursuing will bring happiness. During the proccess, we learn from lessons and correct mistakes. This will make us a better person. We also learn to appreciate the present, what we already have, and cherish ourselves, family and friends.
Although there is a saying, "The thing that counts most in the pursuit of happiness is choosing the right companion.", I feel that true happiness lies in the journey of our pursuit of goal.
So then, what exactly is beauty? What is beauty?
The dictionary definition of beauty is "wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying in the appearance". I strongly disagree with that.
Most people look at beauty at its surface meaning. People tend to judge a person or an item by its appearance, or rather, how beautiful it looks. Sadly, many fail to look into the deeper meaning of beauty.
So, what is my definition of beauty? It can be simply described with a few examples.
Many describe the Eiffel Tower as beautiful due to its magnificent architectural structure. But few describe the Great Wall of China as beautiful. Many will rather describe it as ragged and adventurous for visitors. I strongly feel that when looking at the Great Wall of China, people should think of its history and culture. They should admire the beauty of the Chinese culture and historic background involved in the Great Wall as well as think of the sweat, effort and how the civilians toiled to build this magnificent building. That determination, I feel, is true beauty.
Many will describe famous actors or actresses as 'beauty'. However, if you read the newspapers frequently, you would discover that the percentage of actors and actresses doing morally - incorrect actions is higher than the percentage of the public doing such things. I think, however beautiful an actor or actresses looks, his or hers actions and characters is what decides whether he or she is a true beauty. A person's beauty is not judged by his appearance or looks, but by his actions and character.
Lets think from another point of view. If there is girl in your class who is beautiful in appearance but always spread false rumours and gossips about you and your friends, will you like her? Will you categorize her as 'beauty'?
However, if there is a girl in your class who is not very beautiful in terms of appearance but is a caring classmate who always encourages and motivates you, will you like her? Is she a true beauty?
The answers to these questions are pretty obvious. Inner beauty always triumphs over surface beauty.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Angles of fairness.
The school strongly believes that we, as part of the school, a reputable one, should uphold its good name by putting up our best behaviour in public places.
Definitely no disagreement with that. However, I was quite disappointed with the public and school for treating us as public nuisance.
For example, when my classmates and I went out to eat lunch last week, a school teacher in the same bus as we are in reprimanded us for talking in the bus and causing a public nuisance.
How did we cause a public nuisance? We were just talking at a normal volume. We were just talking. Will that tarnish our school's reputation?
Maybe that teacher sees that issue too seriously. I think we only deserve scolding if we are making a lot of noise and hence, disturb other passengers.
I am even more *pissed* off by what happened just now. My classmates and I went to lunch again, this time in hope that we wouldn't be a "public nuisance".
However, when we waited for a bus at the nearby bus stop, a woman of about 40 years old came up to us and snapped, "Do you know you rowdy young people are blocking the path?!"
Again, we were a "public nuisance" .
First of all, it was obvious that there are much space for other people to move about and board the bus.
Next, if we were just middle-age or elderly people, I bet that woman wouldn't speak a word to us at all.
It is @#D!F%! obvious that most people, like the woman, has a bad impression of young people due to a small minority of young people doing things that are morally wrong.
So, in their minds, they already have a impression that young people nowadays are selfish and rowdy. And the part of this that makes so angry is that their bad impression only applies to the small minority of young people nowadays.
I bet if that woman who chided us has previous impressions of young people doing charity work, helping the elderly etc, thich shows that they, no, we are kind, she wouldn't have reprimanded us just now.
That is exactly what makes me feel unjust. People just judge people based on their impressions of the group of people they belong to.
Maybe only one or two rowdy young people would change a person's impression and opinion of the group, "young people".
That's why you always hear things like, "Young people nowadays...hopeless". This remarks are ignorantly made by people who base their judgements on a few young people who just happened to be rowdy or simply playful.
I seriously think that voids us of our freedom and human rights. We have to keep quiet in the bus without uttering a single word so that we can avoid being scolded by those who have a bad impression of the "young people" group.
And we can't stand in a bus stop?
May some angles of fairness be shed upon us.
Class Outing@East Coast
Thanks to all who made the outing a successful and fun-filled one. I am sure we all agree it was a wonderful day of fun and bonding.
I am certain you all are anxious to view the photos taken during this memorable outing. Don't worry, I have posted a video of the fun times we had.
For those who couldn't make it this time, it is perfectly ok as we will be organizing another one soon, hopefully during the holidays.
Here's the video. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A stressful observation.
Check this out.
If you zoom in now and take a closer look, you wil discover that almost 1/3 of his hair is grey.
There are only two reason to a Sec 4 having 1/3 of his hair grey.
- It is fashion (which I don't think looks fashionable at all)
- He is too stressed with school life due to heavy amount of homework and other commitments.
I heard him talk to his friend and stressfully discovered that he was from the CSE programme. He was also the chairman of his EP3. No wonder he is so stressed!
What a stressful discovery!
I suddenly thought about myself - I am that stressed too? Do I have a hard time juggling work and other commitments like councillor duties?
Everyday, when the reccess bell goes off, I will rush down to the street soccer court, not caring about other @#GR$, just to get a period of relief from a day's stress.
But when I pondered over the issue of stress again, I found out that I have actually done quite well.
When I asked my classmates what time they sleep everyday, most of them would answer, "11 plus lah, have to chieong homework". However, I sleep at 9 plus everyday.
In order to manage my time and stress properly, I quitted Malay in the 1st term. Now, I have much more time to do my homework and revision. I also gave up other commitments in order to reprioritize my life.
Some may think it is passive resignation and fatalism, but I think being selective is the key to being effective.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Think before you speak.
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
- Apologise by One Republic
My classmates recommended this song to me. Quite a dull tune but I noticed its lyrics bears a resemblance to the kind of society we are having now.
It really reflects how the society is a cruel one. There is no second chances in life.
When you hurt someone physically, the scar will heal over some time. However, if you hurt someone emotionally, the scar will be eternal.
We really have to think before we speak.
Ok, I have to admit I am not good at that.
In Primary School, I once insulted my classmate, saying that he is fat. He has never spoken a single word to me after that incident.
From then on, I set a small resolution for myself, that is never to offend anyone. That is also my sincere call for all bloggers out there.
Maybe we apologise to the person after hurting him and the problem seem to be resolved. However, the damage has already been done. Its just too late to apologise.
We may have high IQ but we must also possess high EQ in order to succeed as a person.
EQ refers to the way you speak and communicate with others. If someone really can't tolerate his friend's slow way of doing things, a person with low EQ will say, "I really can't stand his slow way of doing things. What a slow coach!" Someone with high EQ will say, "I really can't stand his slow way of doing things. Maybe I'm a very impatient person."
The way we shape our language, especially the choice of words, will sometimes earn you friend, but sometimes an enemy.
It really makes a difference. Thinking before you speak and speaking kindly will make others think of you as a friendly, kind and mature person. On the other hand, of you fail to think before you speak, people will think of you as a very hostile and childish person, and they will naturally lose their respect for you.
My call to all: The next time you talk to your classmates, think before you speak. It really makes a whole lot of difference.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cult of Personality.
A very "cheem" term, right?
I have been reading Animal Farm and found that the leader of the animals, Napoleon has been constantly applying this.
He put up public "portraits of himself" and forced the animals to sing a song in which the goodness and heroic deeds of Napoleon were being exaggerated.
Puzzled about this "cheem" term like some of you are now, I looked it up in many dictionary and finally understood what it means.
It is basically a country's leader using mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in dictatorships. A cult of personality is similar to general hero worship, except that it is created specifically for political leaders.
I figured out that many real-life and past leaders use this too.
Stalin, for example uses the mass media, to show only positive side of his plans. He shows the public positive information and thus the peasants will naturally regard him as a great leader who has made their lives improve.
Stalin also hangs many big pictures of him. In the portraits, he seemed to be a kind, caring, selfless and benevolent leader who cares for the people's welfare. He uses assertion to make people feel that they are happier under his leadership, when they are actually not(famine and starvation), through pictures of people thanking him for making their lives happier and better.
Check this out.

Mao Zedong also hangs huge portraits of himself, as if he is the founder fo China and the one who brought prosperity and happiness to the people.

There are still present day leaders who uses cult personalities.
The current North Korean leader uses cult personality. He alters facts to influence his people into thinking that life under him has improved. (eg. Saying that food production has increased when it has declined)
He puts up, again, huge portraits of himself to create a larger-than-life image of himself. He is sort of worshipped by the people as a "god" by using these methods.Actually, I suspect our Singapore government also uses cult of personality. Media reporting may be biased, or government presents 'tainted' information to advance certain political agenda. Sometimes I cannot help to question certain overly optimistic economic data presented vis a vis the real situation. Leaders' remuneration is always a hot topic of debate. Their pay increase is always justified after comparing to the ' Average industrial top individuals pay ' ; but have we ever question this : Those top individuals are constantly not the same set of people every year?
Newspaper usually show kind, caring and benevolent pictures of our political leaders. All these are attempts to gain favour of the people and make a heroic image of themselves.
Next time you open the newspapers, read it with a grain of salt.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Romours. Self-judgement.

Why? Because of guilt. When people, criticize others of spreading rumours and gossiping, they normally feel guilty themselves, as they themselves have in their lives, gossip before.
Rumours are like temptations. They tempt you to change your opinion of somone, when it is actually not true.
I recently watched a TV Drama called Table of Glory, "乒乓圆". The main character, Ah Wu, found the secret to playing table tennis. Out of jealousy, his best friend's boyfriend, who is also a tabel tennis player, spread untrue rumours about him eg. about him using his best friend to steal techniques from her boyfriend.
This made his best friend change her opinions about him. She said something to this friend whom she has known for 20 years. "I can't believe you would do this. You have changed."
He is actually a very modest person.
Recently, in my class, a classmate started saying that another classmate, Zhan Rong, a prosperous-looking guy has swine-flu! Suddenly, everyone started seeing him in a different light. Everyone started looking out for his mistakes, like sneezing in class and day by day, they grow more and more afraid of him.
This shows human tendency to believe in rumours instead of using logical thinking to analyse matters, or even a person.
When they hear rumours and gossips about a person, we tend to change original views. For example, we used to see this person as a kind and jovial person but after someone said that he is a sly person, we will think, "Is he kind to me to gain some personal benefits?"
Actually, every problem has a solution. It is self-judgement. We can decide for ourselves the type of person someone is. We also have to think, "Is he spreading rumours about that guy because of some past grudges or misunderstanding?"
Rumours, self-judgement.
My Blog List
约翰福音 5:31-44 (13/06/10)14 years ago
Some things that REALLY irritates me14 years ago
Notes for Indian Music14 years ago
FOSH day two ------> I did not mess up15 years ago
National Day CIP at Taman Jurong15 years ago
从以弗所书看生命与生活(十二)15 years ago
中一资料检索16 years ago
系统神学16 years ago
1. Peach Cheese Cake (10 cups)16 years ago