Friday, May 22, 2009

Criticism. Should we critisize people and thier opinions?

Recently, there has been quite a lot of criticism on my posts. I don't mind because I think they are the things that help me improve. Then, this question confronted me. Should we criticize people or the opinions they have?

The first answer that came to my mind was no. Criticism will only offend the person being criticize and it will become a "lose-lose" situation where the friend is unhappy as he is offendes and you will hence lose a friend.

However, after much in-depth thoughts, the answer became a confident 'yes'.

I strongly feel that critism should not be treated as a bad thing. If you fail to criticize your friend, he will only fail to realize his mistake and can never improve. Hence, I think criticism is actually very precious and is a good thing. It is a helping hand to those being criticize to improve and correct mistakes.

Criticism, I feel, is also a form of concern. A friend may be spouting vulgarities in his blog post and by criticizing his action, it ahows you are truly concerned about him and his conduct.

Those who fail to criticize should be the ones being despised. They are either totally indifferent about others actions or they are just too apathetic to lend a helping hand to thier friend to improve and correct mistakes.

Maybe your friend has a wrong opinion of a teacher or classmate due to past misunderstanding. As a true friend of his, you should try your best to change his opinions so that be no misunderstandings or conflicts will happen. You can only do so by criticizing. Some friends may be too indifferent and stubborn to listen to advises. They will just brush your advices away. Only criticism will make them ponder the issue carefully and improve accordingly.

Although critizing someone or his opinions may offend the person, but if one truly cares for the person, criticism is a must as it will help the person correct mistakes and formulate correct opinions. By criticizing, it shows that you truly care.

Even an offended friend will one day realise your care and thought for them.

1 comment:

Eumenthol said...

Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still;
teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning --- Proverbs 9:9

For critisism to be meaningful, it has to be constructive , positive ,with an intention to improve, exhort or correct mistakes. Otherwise it may be just plain bitterness or jealousy ; or worst still an intention to damage , to hurt or sabotage.

So ask yourself these questions before you ratter off the critisicms:

1) Is what you are saying true?
2) Are the words edifying and helpful?
3) Is this critisism done out of love?

Otherwise some things are better left unsaid.